Much owing to recent research
efforts, understanding of how the human brain represents intentions of other
persons has steadily increased. Neuroimaging studies have disclosed
several brain regions that are critically involved in enabling humans to have theory
of mind of other persons, including medial prefrontal cortex, anterior temporal
lobe, temporoparietal junction, and medial parietal cortex. In addition to
inferring intentions of another person, however, intentions are often attributed to groups of people (e.g., “cognitive neuroscientists aim to solve the mind-body
problem”). It has remained unexplored whether the brain mechanisms that enable
one to simulate the mind of another person are the same as (or different from)
the cerebral events that take place when mentalizing about the intentions of
social groups.
In their recent study, Dr. Juan
Manuel Contreras et al. (2013)
carried out two experiments in healthy volunteers with functional magnetic
resonance imaging. Pictures of groups and individuals were shown to
participants during scanning, and they were to make judgments about whether
either groups or individuals would enjoy a long car ride (i.e., a mentalizing task) vs.
whether either groups or individuals would stay afloat in a raft or with a pair
of arm floatation devices (i.e., a
judgment task not requiring making inferences about the mental states of
others). It was
observed that brain regions that responded when making inferences about the
mental states of other persons are also responding when inferences were made
about the mental states of groups of people, however, multivoxel pattern
analysis disclosed that distributed patterns of activity within these areas
differed when making inferences about mental states of individuals vs. groups.
These highly exciting and results
pave way for an important area of cognitive neuroscience, namely extending
research on the neural basis of social cognition to studying how it is possible
for one to perceive, understand, and predict social group behavior. Humans are
inherently social species, and social groups play a central role in the lives
of everyone. Given this, bridging the gap between scientific fields that study
social groups (such as social psychology and sociology) and cognitive
neuroscience is a very promising and fruitful relatively new area of research.
Reference: Contreras JM, Schirmer J, Banaji MR, Mitchell JP. Common
brain regions with distinct patterns of neural responses during mentalizing
about groups and individuals. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2013)
e-publication ahead of print.